Tribe of Running Rabbits ROLEPLAY (WiP)

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kittensocks3777's avatar
Alright, this is based off of Tribe of Rushing Water in the books, for those who don't know what that is, it's basically ancient mountain cats. It's been there since the first leaders of the Clans were still alive, Shadowclan, Thunderclan, Skyclan, Windclan, and Riverclan. This was also when Skyclan was not drove out, and the leader's names were Riverripple, (I believe.) Clearsky, Tallshadow, Thunder, and Windrunner.
Riverclan Skyclan Shadowclan Thunderclan and Windclan

Names would be mostly like, Little Fish That Swims In Brook or Dust That Blows Through Wind, you can check out this name generator here;… Don't forget to press the "Other Names" button, or you will not get Tribe names. The Tribe names are at the bottom of the suggestions, if you don't get what you want, be sure to press the button again.

The rank Healer is both leader and medicine cat, as shown in The New Prophecy #2 Moonrise
Cave-guards mostly protect and fight for their clan, but they can be both Prey-hunter and Cave-guard, as Brook said in The Power of Three #1 The Sight, to Hollypaw.
Prey-hunters go on groups for hunting, Tribe cats hunt eagles, and such things like that. They can be Cave-guards like I just said. They cover their coats in mud, to hide their scent.
To-bes are apprentices, the Healer decides whether they shall be a Cave-Guard or Prey-hunter.
Kit-mothers are the queens in Tribes, they take care of their kits as like the ones in Clans.
Elders are the oldest cats in the clan, they are like normal elders in the Clans, but they are fed by Prey-Hunters and protected by Cave-guards.
Kits are the cats who had just been born and have to wait to be To-bes for 8 moons.

Tribe of Running Rabbits territory is far away from Lake territory, possibly 60 tail-lengths away. They dug their home in an abandoned badger den and expanded it. The Cave-guard and Prey-hunter dens are on the right side, Kit-mothers and elders on the left side, To-bes and Healer in the front. The territory is full of eagles, rabbits, moles, and hawks. The most popular prey is eagles, since they are easier for senior cats to catch. It means they have had more experience with big birds than the newly made Cave-guards/Prey-hunters. They are not very close to the Tribe of Rushing Water, though they could be a bit more close to Windclan, but at the same time they are very farther away. The territory is a moorland like Windclan, except it is a bit scarce of rabbits on leaf-fall and leaf-bare; and so rabbits are rare in the territory. Some may wonder why it is called Tribe of Running Rabbits; well that's because the cats are as fast as rabbits (Possibly) if they practice running. Any cat could be good at hunting in their own way. Cats hunt eagles and hawks when they swoop and grab a mice. The cat jumps onto its back, and kills it in two/one minute. Some cats are hunted by eagles, so if they are not lucky enough the eagle would go for the cat instead of the mouse. There is a twolegplace very close to Rabbit Burrows, which leads us to our next territory. Rabbit Burrows is basically a big area where prey like to hang out, or collect their prey for Snowfall.

In ToRR (Tribe of Rushing Water) they have different words for things. 

Twoleg; Big paws
Starclan, Tribe of Endless Hunting; Tribe of the Many Stars
Leafbare; Snowfall
Leaffall; Tornleaf
Greenleaf; Warmwater
Newleaf; Shinyleaf
Monster; Round Feet
Crow-food; Dirt-prey
Clanmates; Tribemates

Thats all their words, the rest is the same.

Healer; Peak Where Lightning Strikes ( GhostlyKittyCat )

Cave-Guards; Rock That Tumbles Down Cliff ( kittensocks3777, he looks like this exactly…)

Prey-Hunters; Breeze That Throws Dust ( kittensocks3777…)
Cobweb In Bush ( GhostlyKittyCat )

To-bes; Breeze that disturbs Dew ( Mintemii )
Ice Of Frozen River ( Silverfrost105 )

Kit-Mother; Rain That Fills Lake ( GhostlyKittyCat )

Elders; ???

Kits; Red sky of Morning ( Mintemii )

Outsiders; Brick (Kittypet) 

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WinteryW0lf's avatar
I would like to Join if that's ok with you.
Male medicine to-be (if open): Frost on Leaf